
Were you already registered for the 2020 edition but have you not reconfirmed for 2021?


Were you registered in 2020, but have you not reconfirmed your registration for the 2021 edition? Your registration remains automatically valid for the 2022 edition of the Sofico Gent Marathon on Sunday, March 27, 2022. All participants were contacted about this by the organisation.


Are you unable to be present on the new date? Then you can pass on your registration to a friend, colleague, family member,… up to and including 31 December 2021. Please contact us via info@golazo.com. After December 31, 2021, you can only report a name change at the helpdesk on site at an administrative cost of €5.

Contact us until December 31, 2021 if you are unable to attend the new date for professional, medical or other compelling personal reasons, and you want to request us for a voucher or a refund of your registration fee. In that case, you complete the request for reimbursement here and provide valid supporting documents. A marriage, a planned medical procedure or a planned vacation are examples of reasons that can be accepted. No refund can be requested after December 31, 2021.

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