Change of name or distance

If you would like to change the distance or name, You can until 10 March 11.59pm by emailing After that date, changes can only be made at the registration desk on Friday 28, Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March.

Change of Distance

  1. First collect the bib number.
  2. Change your distance at the desk ‘change of name/distance’ and receive a new bib number.

Changing to a lower distance is free of charge. For a higher distance, the difference in price will be charged.

Change of Name

  1. Collect the bib number using the confirmation email of the person from whom you are taking the starting number.
  2. Change the information at the desk ‘change of name/distance’ and receive a new bib number.

Do not forget to bring your ID. For a name change there is a € 5 administration cost.